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Committee, Committee member. The Ministry of Education decided Communist Party Group, Liu Changsheng, oct loyal comrade of CPC Standing Committee of East China University of Technology; replacing Chen Yingnan, in the founding of the Tu Shandong, Yang Zhong deposit Comrade Standing Committee of the Communist Party of East China University duties. (Original title: Ministry of Education appointed Wang Jin wide as the Northeastern University, East China University Vice-Chancellor) edit: SN123 Sichuan Xuyong County Fraxinus Miao village recently floods July 30-August 3, stationed in China Railway to carry out special inspections a month, the eighth central inspection teams 'sink a' Zhengzhou Railway Bureau to understand the situation. Zhengzhou Railway Bureau inspection teams found that business entertainment chaotic management, accounting fraud and other serious violations of the spirit of the eight musts problem. Reception in the list provided by the Council, there are more than 400 in the amount of more than $ 2000, this line immediately instructed to seize the inspection teams, in-depth investigation. But the council hostel was not retained as an excuse to refuse to provide the relevant consumer details. The investigation, which received most of the list was forged. Long-term presence of the council of public funds to send gifts, business entertainment and other issues beyond the standard, in which some former leaders have a meal eaten 13000 Demonstration of Odd Element section, opened five bottles of Maotai. Currently, the staff has been related discipline violations dealt with severely, and public notification. Zhengzhou Railway Bureau false requisition list and reception desk tasks to deal with the behavior of the central inspection group, Article 37 of 'concealed and unreported precisely the newly revised' Regulations on the Work of the Communist Party Chinese patrol 'or intentionally providing false to the inspection teams case 'referred to, the nature of the problem is very serious, very profound lesson. Inspections is to identify problems, the formation of a deterrent. The party's 18 years, Zhengzhou Railway Bureau, such as 'suffer in silence' hypocritical interference patrol work behavior, not alone. Central Henan eighth inspection teams during the tour, some cities and counties actually sent inspection teams waited at the station entrance, intercept petitioners within their jurisdiction. Tianjin during the tour, the fifth central inspection teams and when he was Vice Chairman of CPPCC Tianjin Public Security Bureau Wu Changshun wits, not only to guard against eavesdropping, monitoring and disclosure of information, but also to find ways to ensure the safety of informants. ...... 'These problems occur mainly because some of patrol

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