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Embezzlement and a huge amount of occasions. In addition, in March 2015, Li Hairong also bank reconciliation grounds, secretly decided to cancel and open a bank account. July 29, 2015, Shunyi District Commission for Discipline Inspection Li Hairong serious disciplinary problems on file for review. By the District Commission for Discipline Standing Committee study, decided to grant Li Hairong expelled from the party; by the district office will examine the water company manager, he decided to grant Li Hairong discharged from public action. Li Hairong alleged crime and clues transferred to judicial organs according to law. As a '60 after' women cadres, Li Hairong born in 1964, Shunyi District, the Town Great Cuigezhuang Sun Village, in January 1983 to work in August 2004 joined the Chinese Communist Party. From January 2004 to July 2015, Li Hairong any water company in Chief of Finance for 11 years. According to Xinhua News Agency yesterday, summed up in the joint pursuit operations will be held in the Vietnamese capital Hanoi. Delegates agreed to establish a bilateral mechanism for annual joint pursuit operations, and in 2016 to conduct joint pursuit operations again. According to Ministry of Public Security and China 'on the joint pursuit operations memorandum of understanding' and 'the pursuit of the Joint Action Phase summary minutes of the meeting', police in Vietnam from November 2014 to August 2015 to carry out pursuit operations, were arrested 40 suspects. Among them, China and arrested 21 fugitives Vietnamese, Vietnam Chinese nationals arrested 19 fugitives. During this wrap-up meeting, the two representatives of Ministry of Public Security business unit, said the success of these suspects brought to justice, to further enhance the capacity and level of bilateral police cooperation joint action to further strengthen pragmatic cooperation in various fields has laid a a solid foundation. Representatives of both countries agreed to continue cooperation and establish joint mechanisms of action pursuit year, and 2016 February 1 to July 31 to continue its pursuit of joint action. Edit: SN117 BEIJING, Aug. 19 (Xinhua) (Health Channel Liu Xuhui) 18, the State Council issued the 'State Council on the Reform of Drug and Medical Device review and approval system' and proposed to improve the quality of review and approval, to resolve the backlog of applications for registration and improve the quality of generic drugs and encourage research and development of new medicines and other targets. This document from the national level for Drug Evaluation and approval system reform, most of the pharmaceutical companies concerned about drug registration backlog ask

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