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A clear timetable for a solution. Experts said more cases in the backlog, the backlog of Drug Registration 'to stock', the need to increase the professional review. Status: slow drug approval are currently more than 20,000 applications for registration innovative drugs means drugs with independent intellectual property patents, although with a low success rate of drug development, high cost, long cycle and so on, but the innovative drugs on behalf of pharmaceutical companies core strengths, but also effective way to resolve major and difficult diseases. Currently in China, the approval rate of innovative drugs more slowly. According to People's Daily reported that the innovative drug from clinical application materials submitted to get the permit documents, 18 months old, and get feedback from the submission of material to Australia five days, the United States, South Korea is one month, Singapore is 1- 2 months, Brazil 2 months, 3 months, EU, India, Russia is 3-4 months, Mexico is 4-9 months. 'Our innovative drug approval time spent, may have been the longest in the world.' Some experts bluntly. Compared with the new medicines in the country to occupy a greater share of the generic drug approval times longer. It is understood that the review of clinical time one kind of generic average 3--4 years, market approval also requires the same time, from the submission of clinical application to get listed on this document, pharmaceutical companies use 2067 or even 2089. Recently, the State Food and Drug Administration Vice Minister Wu Zhen, the State Council Information Office press conference, said: 'China is still the main countries generics, we are now in the hands of the trial of 21 000 species, 90% of the generic drug, chemical drugs in the vast majority, more than 80% of generic drugs. 'the new site health channel Now' 2014 annual drug Evaluation report 'found that in 2014 the State food and drug Administration drug trial center for new applications for registration 8868 than last year an increase of 1258. 5261 completed the technical review of an application for registration of the last year, but by accepting assignments increased by 16.5% over the previous year, so the further increase in the backlog of pending tasks. Good: to solve the backlog with a timetable for Drug Evaluation can enjoy the 'green channel' Recently, the State Council issued the 'State Council on the Reform of Drug and Medical Device review and approval system view' (hereinafter referred to as observations), the backlog of applications for the registration of the drug problem, comments pointed out that strict control of the market for

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