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Program early deployment municipal state-owned enterprises responsible compensation reform. Changsha, Hunan has been the implementation of 'salary limit order', municipal state-owned enterprise responsible for the annual salary will not exceed 60 million. Edition have written the Beijing News reporter Wu Focus 1 basic annual salary of not more than 2 times the average wage at the central level, the gap between central enterprises and workers from the 12 times earnings adjusted to 8 times, while the reform at the local level in addition to referring to the Central Executive In addition, some of the provinces, 'card more strict.' 4 provinces have announced the scheme, the provincial enterprises who pay incentive consists of basic salary, performance salary and term income 3 parts, including basic salary will be in accordance with the annual provincial enterprises determined twice guard worker year of average wage; term incentive income is not more than 30% of the total salary level. For performance salary, Zhejiang Province, to the provisions of basic salary as the base, multiplied by the annual assessment factor, adjustment coefficient is determined; and Guangdong Province in the program explicitly, performance salary does not exceed 2 times the basic annual salary; the reform program proposed in Hubei Province, the enterprise in that year the average wage of workers is not growing, the people in charge can not increase the performance of the annual salary. Accordance with the deployment of this reform, the local head of the provincial state-owned pipe amplitude will reach an average pay cut of about 30%. In Zhejiang Province, the province approved by the State Council of the average wage of workers was 9.71 million. As such, the person in charge of the province's provincial enterprises the average salary will be reduced by 31.5%. Guangdong SASAC relevant responsible person revealed to the media, according to preliminary estimates, the province's state-owned enterprises who pay more than 30% decline, and employee pay gap narrowed to 6.5 times. 2 companies will focus significant losses buckle cable executives have made salary pay cut is only part of the pay reform. Guangdong SASAC official said, in addition to lowering the base salary, the other is to increase the performance appraisal, to avoid 'Ganhaoganhuai a kind.' Guangdong and Hubei provinces are clearly defined program, major mistakes occurred during his tenure, causing heavy losses to the enterprise, according to the responsibility borne by the person in charge, clawing back some or all recourse has been made and the performance salary incentives term income, and provisions cable deduction approach applies to former or retired provincial enterprises responsible person. Guangdong is also clear program, operating losses the people in charge

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