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Full with interest. 'Hua Chunying said. (Original title: China strongly condemns the bombings in Thailand demanded stern punishment for the murderer) Strong rains led to floods. Caption: Friends broke the news the Hongkou Football Stadium subway station escalator suddenly a jump. Figure by @ red bean rice [World Wide Web Roundup] RIA Novosti reported on the 13th, the Kremlin spokesman said Russian President Vladimir Putin to China Tianjin Port explosion condolences to Chinese President Xi Jinping. At the same time Putin expressed sympathy and support to the families and relatives of the victims and wished the injured a speedy recovery. August 12 23:30 Tianjin Binhai New Area development zone Xu Ruihai company dangerous goods warehouse explosion, according to preliminary statistics, the accident has caused 44 people were killed. RIA Novosti said the explosion occurred in Tianjin, China, the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry recommendations to China to help eliminate the consequences of the explosion. Russian Emergency Situations Ministry said: 'The Chinese Ministry of Public Security Minister Vespucci Krakow call Russia sent proposals to the Chinese rescue workers to help eliminate the consequences of the big bang.' The article says that the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry is ready to provide any necessary assistance and support to China ready. Russia can be quickly dispatched to carry fire-fighting equipment IL -76 and -200 aircraft and other equipment necessary to carry rescue workers to China incident. Beijing BEIJING, August 18 (Reporter Ma Xueling) 18 pm, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Department website news: State Administration of Work Safety, party secretary Yang Dongliang alleged serious violation of law, the organization is currently undergoing investigation. Tianjin Port in the '8.12' major fire explosion occurred, he led a working group of the night went to the scene, also participating in the evening of 17 accidents conference. Yang Dongliang is eighteen checked since the 6th Central Committee. Oil system origin, Tianjin served nearly 18 years of official resume shows that in January 1954 born Yang Dongliang, Hebei Qingxian people, Beijing Petroleum Management Cadre College of Business Administration in Management Engineering Petroleum college graduate, education, job postgraduate JD senior economist. Yang Dongliang came from the oil system, from October 1972 to participate in the work in July 1994, he worked in the oil system of the past 22 years, covering North China Petroleum resume battle command, Huabei Petroleum Administration, Central Plains

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