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Neighboring Tianjin Port will soon be spread to surrounding commodity trade disruption. Affected by this, iron ore, sugar, cotton and other commodity prices are rising. Tianjin Customs announced on the 13th, because the warehouse explosion, Tianjin Binhai New Area under the jurisdiction of the customs related to the field of customs handling severely affected normal business, set up a temporary emergency office. Reporters learned that, due to the near Tianjin Port, Port Dongjiang Bonded Port Area in Binhai New Area is a major logistics companies to focus on. In addition Ruihai International outside the perimeter but also include the distribution of the joint construction of International Logistics Co., Ltd., dozens of logistics enterprises. Affected by the recent emergence of the commodity market rally. According to Reporters combed, iron ore futures contract rose for two consecutive days in a rare case, the main contract in 1509 on the 13th rose 17 yuan / ton, on the 14th continued to rise 4 yuan / ton, reported 442 yuan / ton. In addition, agricultural products also rose. Sugar futures contract yesterday rose 1.51%; cotton futures contract rose 0.08%. Reporters from Tianjin Bohai Commodity Exchange received the news that the explosion events, natural rubber is temporarily unable to handle the storage of goods and the transfer of the right to see the goods related business. By Tianjin Port import and export of various products, iron ore, much outside attention. Commodity trading platform Treasure Island, said the Tianjin Port current iron ore stocks of 710 million tons, accounting for 8.73 percent of the national total, the average daily volume of 280,000 tons to Hong Kong. BHP Billiton said in a statement issued Thursday, Tianjin, the explosion did not affect the iron ore unloading, but shipping and port operations in Tianjin Port have been affected, the company is working to reduce the potential impact to a minimum. Higher risk factor of the oil vessel is still prohibited to enter the Tianjin Port. Tianjin Maritime Bureau said on the 14th, north harbor pond of all types of ships out of Hong Kong back to normal, except for dangerous goods ships and supply vessels. As of yesterday's close, steel and nonferrous metals sector fell 0.63% and 1.07% respectively, the oil industry fell 0.02%, down 0.18% logistics and transport, ports shipping industry from the 13th green plate meteoric rise to success was up 0.32%. In the 13th sector also suffered a serious setback in Tianjin meteoric rise to success, yesterday closed up 1.33%. Edit: SN098 Within settlements, walls covered with tracing announcement. Yesterday

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