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Under 'anti-Japanese above all' with the KMT banner resolve conflicts friction, so that the relationship between the KMT and even major crisis Wannan Incident did not rupture, the KMT-CPC cooperation to maintain the situation of the war in the end, the war for a variety of progressive forces in Chinese society axis of unity. Without the Communist Party advocates maintain, can not solve the country's powerful combination War cohesion issues, the situation of the national war of resistance will not be formed. In the United Front, the Communist Party plays a real leadership role. Determine the general policy of protracted war strategy, the implementation of the right of war guidance. War broke out around the country, Communist parties have proposed and implemented a strategic policy of protracted war. But the KMT's strategy is 'durable consumption', the course of the war into a strategic retreat and strategic counter-offensive in two stages, stressing that 'in order to reach a 'protracted war' as the basic thrust of' layers of armed force to protect this land, and hope to win to a large extent lies in the United States and Britain and other major powers war. Communist strategy is a lasting victory, the process of the war into strategic defensive, strategic stalemate, strategic offensive three stages, emphasis on strategic stalemate 'will be the most difficult period, but it is a transition hub', and made warfare, guerrilla warfare , such as a set combination of positional warfare strategy and tactics for the Chinese War of Resistance lays out a clear road map. The Communist lasting winning point firmly on the 'boldly to mobilize the masses and expand the people power', the implementation of people's war, the formation of long-term and the majority of the interlocking state of war over. Especially in the most difficult period of the war behind enemy lines, stressing take 'boil' strategy to integrate the Party's centralized leadership of the various forces, the 'Top Ten Policy' at the base, in order to counterbalance the overall fight a people's war enemies 'total force war' , growing their own, to weaken the enemy, 'boil' out of victory conditions. Winning the war is protracted war to Chinese marrow. Because of Communist parties adhere to the guidelines of a protracted war, China win the war only to be durable. Because of differences in both understanding and implementation of large protracted war front and the Rear Battlefield situation will be different, the mainstay of the Chinese Communist Party has played a role in the war against Japan. Create two battlefields strategic pattern, dynamic grasp the initiative in the war. Communist-led war behind enemy lines

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