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The warehouse is a transit warehouse, which is different from the usual sense of the fixed warehouse. Containers unloaded goods are temporarily stored here, after the completion of customs formalities carried away, so the types and quantities of dangerous goods are not fixed. The second reason is the more serious damage to the office, unable to obtain accurate information on the types and quantities of products from the companies in the ledger. Third, the business person in charge and related management information provided is not unified, not directly admissible. Someone's business license and other doubtful points according to the national authorities in 2001 introduced the 'dangerous chemicals business enterprise to the conditions and technical requirements', medium-sized dangerous chemicals storage site should be away from the urban and residential areas in the dominant wind direction Regional wind and river downstream; it should be around public buildings, transportation routes (roads, railways, waterways), equidistant from the mining industry for at least 1000 meters. However, after Baidu map measurement and reporters site visits, residential real estate Vanke water harbor, and the nearest warehouse straight line distance of about 560 meters, and the warehouse and light rail Donghai Road Station is only about 630 meters. In addition, there are public reports that Xi Lu Moumou sprinkle CPPCC cadres Lin, Wuming County Grain Bureau Moumou appeal court. January 14, Longan County People's Court accepted the case issued a notice of acceptance of the right to life from the disputes. The local Commission for Discipline Inspection departments have been involved in the investigation this afternoon, Vice Chairman of the day had participated in the banquet of Lu Moumou told Beijing News (WeChat ID: bjnews_xjb) reporter, he received Chen calls the incident the same day at 3 pm, the other party on the phone He said, to treat an individual electricity Mansion dinner. He then dinner at 7:00 pm, Lei Moumou, Lin, Chen Moumou and six people have arrived at the scene, 'I was the last one to have the other two people did not know.' He recalls the day in addition to 1 Because people can not drink driving, the remaining six co drank about three bottles of wine, dinner around 8:30 to disperse, then just went home the next day, before we know what killed Chen, Commission for Discipline Inspection has been involved in investigating the matter. Longan County Commission for Discipline Inspection staff told the Beijing News (WeChat ID: bjnews_xjb) reporter, indeed Commission for Discipline Inspection in the investigation of the matter. However, due to the leadership of the case involved more, 'there

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