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Nor participate Ruihai daily operations, as a shareholder had never signed any relevant documents. Why become the second largest shareholder Ruihai International? He said a friend in Ruihai company had registered with their identity as Ruihai International shareholders. The friend Ruihai company office, but Shu Zheng declined to be named. Earlier, media reports said Ruihai company 'deep background' corporate only peak also accused the former deputy mayor of Tianjin son, but has been an official denial. Today, the second largest shareholder to help people recognize behalf of the holders of the shares, the ownership of the company and the background becomes more complicated and confusing. Tianjin Port explosion Han Feng second group of survivors yet out of danger. About the hospital, the patient has not yet out of danger, uncertainty still exists, made positive full treatment, the state is still in critical condition. The hospital provides Xinhua News Agency, Jakarta, August 16 (Zheng Shibo) - Chinese Embassy in Indonesia confirmed on the 16th, the day lost contact printing nits american airline airliner that no Chinese citizens. Chinese Embassy consular officials Sun Liang said that after verification with the concerned embassies in Indonesia, not in the plane lost contact on Chinese citizens. Indonesian Ministry of Transportation spokesman Balata 16 to accept Xinhua News Agency reporter interview that the plane fly by the Indian nits american airlines that IL-267 passenger flights local time at 14:22 on the 16th (GMT 13:22 ) from Papua's capital Jayapura took off at about 1455 points lost contact with the ground. A total of 49 passengers and five crew members on the plane lost contact. There is no exact whereabouts of the aircraft message. According to local media reports, the poor visibility at night, the Indonesian National Search and Rescue Center has been suspended the day of the search operations, and will continue the search as early as 6:00 on the 17th. Prior to that the airline had sent the aircraft Te Lijia search, but because of bad weather, nothing found. Teli Jia deputy general manager of the airline that Benny said, local time the plane took off in good weather, aircraft lost contact with Captain Hassan Nu Ding is a senior pilot with years of driving experience ATR42 aircraft. Mountainous Papua province in Indonesia, coupled with bad weather, aviation accidents have occurred. June 12, a small plane crashed in Papua province, killing one dead

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