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He said the Chinese government and people congratulated Sierra Leone has made the fight against the Ebola epidemic decisive victory, hope and believe that Sierra Leone will be able to completely eliminate outbreaks quickly. Wang said bilateral ties are in the best period in history. During Sierra Leone's fight against Ebola, China implemented a public health history of the largest foreign aid, with practical action to practice the President Xi's 'true, real, pro-honesty' and the principle of non-working correctly view on personal loyalty, It indicates that China is Africa's long-term reliable partner. China is ready to work closely united Cyprus, jointly push bilateral friendly and sincere cooperation advantage into force, the bilateral ties into a win-win cooperation, and common development model. First, strengthen cooperation with the Cypriot health, the Chinese side will help as soon as possible to enter into the plug set of medical, learning and research as the West African tropical pathogens and prevention research center one, additional aid plug medical personnel, the medical profession to increase scholarships to strengthen technical cooperation and training of personnel, implementation of priority public health demonstration projects. Second is to strengthen energy cooperation with the Cypriot mining and production, China will resume as soon as Tang Keli in iron ore production projects to help plug conduct mineral processing, development of steel manufacturing and textile, home appliances and other labor-intensive industries, increase the added value of resources, creating a more more employment. Third is to strengthen cooperation with the Cypriot agriculture and fisheries, China will encourage Chinese enterprises to carry out natural rubber stopper and rice cultivation, food storage, ocean fishing and agricultural and fishing products processing industry together to help plug the achievement of food security, the development of marine economy, increase Fourth, strengthen agricultural cooperation with income plug infrastructure construction, China will urge Chinese enterprises to start construction as soon as a new international airport in Freetown, the quality and quantity of completed and delivered. Supporting the implementation of the project Transmission Station as soon as possible. Encourage and support Chinese enterprises and financial institutions to actively participate plug infrastructure and industrial parks. Fifth, strengthen cooperation with the Cypriot Human Resource Development, China will carry out the 'Youth Village' training center construction feasibility study to provide more government scholarships to the Serb side, a substantial increase in technical management training opportunities. Strengthen the exchange of experiences in governing the country through advanced training classes. Wang said China supports the Cypriot side in international and regional affairs

chi iron guard directions