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Not rot. 'Since then, long-term mechanism, the future is called' Jin prescription cure 'the' six right cure 'into public view.' Six right solution 'includes the following: according to the law to determine the powers, scientific allocation of power, institutional constraints of power, the exercise of power the sun, supervisory powers and work together to punish abuse of power, December 9, 2014, the Shanxi Provincial Committee of the tenth plenary of six to make arrangements: implementation of the 'six right solution', advancing the fight against corruption Guzhao Ming think 'right to rule authority' is the famous classic political science, from the moment in terms of the political environment in Shanxi, adhere to the 'six right solution', can solve many practical problems. 'China Newsweek' in Shanxi also learned, in under high pressure situation of corruption, some officials fear because of Shanxi work and bear responsibility, so lazy government, political danger, play it safe. one interviewee scholar told the 'China News Weekly,' is that a lot of sectors, 'the door hard, ugly face, difficult to deal with, 'is now' well into the door, good-looking face, or things difficult 'for this phenomenon, Guzhao Ming said:.' doing good against the bad guys, good people do bad things against, to do nothing against the people. Officials must mobilize the enthusiasm of the Director-General, while reducing their work concerns. 'In addition to straighten officialdom, Shanxi continued economic downturn also popular attention. In 2014, the total GDP of 1.27 trillion yuan in Shanxi, the country has slipped to 24th place, which is the worst since the reform and opening up achievements, 4.9% of the GDP growth rate fell to the end of the 31 provinces in 2015. the first quarter, Shanxi economic growth is down to 2.5%. there are comments that, at a coal-dominant in the background, although early in Shanxi 1980s proposed the adjustment of industrial structure, but now, the effect of the adjustment is still not clear. July 7, 2015, when Wang Rulin met with Hong Kong media executives visiting delegation mentioned that coal has now come to 'take the initiative revolution will be revolution 'stage. Shanxi difficulties encountered, the decline is not more than a few percentage points of GDP in other provinces, but structural problems caused by weak growth. Wang Rulin admitted that province's resource-based economy structural adjustment, to the way not will overnight, the pressure will persist. 2015, Shanxi will focus on the financial revitalization of science and technology

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