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Zero tolerance attitude to change, drastic action to resolve ailing unabated, scraped the bone drug treatment courage not to vent, and severely punish the scale is not loose, discovered handled, how much investigation found, variable indicators, does not cap , where the opposing rot, evils. - 'On the 18th CCP Fourth Plenary Session of the Second Plenary Session of speech' (October 23, 2014) [the talk] eighteen, there have been more than 100 provincial and ministerial level officials sacked . This year, the pace has not slowed down the center of Tiger. According to statistics, since June 25 more than 40 days, there Guo, Zhou Shun, Xi Xiaoming, Xiao Tian, ​​Gu Chunli, Zhang Lijun and other tigers had been knocked out. Central show with action: no anti-corruption index, as long as the violation of discipline, should be investigated. Li Minghua Data Chart Liberian Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks Laisenia Chevalier Reference News Network August 10 overseas media reported that the famous CCTV host CCTV earlier in a private dinner on the ridicule of the late Chinese leaders Mao Zedong, related videos, on the network crazy pass, causing hot Internet users. State Press and Publication Administration of Radio provisional party committees, discipline inspection organs, said high priority event, and instructed the Commission for Discipline Inspection CCTV organs severely dealt with according to relevant regulations. According to Taiwan's 'China Times' website on August 10 reported that, due to the CCTV 'serious violations of political discipline,' very likely to be expelled from the party and was CCTV dismissed, but there is news that CCTV would have to leave. Anyway, after this announcement, CCTV broadcasting career so far. It reported that after CCTV indecent video outflow, CCTV was the statement 'make a serious deal,' and off the air show hosted by CCTV. CCTV also apologize on April 9, but still could not stop the fire. Reported that, just after the whole incident out of the public, 'Chinese discipline inspection and supervision News' August 9 Journal article said that China Central Television CCTV show host with ridicule damage the image of the older generation of party and state leaders. Reported that Wen emphasized that this year the central units directly under the Party's political discipline and political rules of the discipline in the first place, the study and education by strengthening the party constitution, carry out special inspections, and increase efforts to deal with the problem, ensure that the party

chi products for frizzy hair