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Key protect the lanes, Zhu Zi Fang, Hangzhou and other historical and cultural blocks up and down, Hualin Temple hall, Tanshishan sites, such as levels of the sites and their surroundings. Strengthen the greening of urban green space system delineated the scope of protection of the Green Line. Good protection pattern Ping Shan, mountains and other natural Osan Minjiang River, Wulong River and other water bodies and the coordinated development of the city, to strengthen the building height, massing and style of control and guidance, highlighting the mountain, water, green and urban construction combine and the features and characteristics of Riverside coastal ecological garden city. (Original title: State Department: 2020 central city of Fuzhou resident population not exceeding 4.1 million) edit: SN123 [Global Times Reporter Fan Lexus] of 'economic espionage' and other charges by the US detention China Tianjin University professor Zhang Hao was released July 29 US immigration. Prior to this, it has been approved by the court on bail he was immigration prison for 20 days. 'Global Times' on the 2nd exclusive access to two documents on the case from informed sources, Zhang Hao is a team of lawyers after he was detained at immigration, wrote to California Federal District Court Judge Davila long letter detailing It describes the encounter bail after Zhang Hao. Another is responsible for handling the case Cassens judge is to urge the release of Zhang Hao, the immigration issue 'ultimatum.' 'The court gave the government two options: release of the accused or the withdrawal of' July 24, Cassens judge sent the case to prosecute government Fangmei Guo file begins with the 'showdown' said, 'that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, If the government will carry out a criminal defendant Zhang Hao migration or immigration detention, resulting in the District Court trial of its eligible damage, the District Court will start the appropriate remedy. ' Court case cited previously handled similar cases said that in 2012 the US government and a lawsuit defendant, declare the district court, investigating or prosecuting program has violated federal law or infringes the rights of the accused legal, and no remedies available It should withdraw. San Jose federal judge approved July 8 Hao $ 500,000 bail. The next morning, however, he was immigration to 'visa-free' on the grounds of detention. Informed sources told the 'Global Times', 'The judge was very upset that he did not understand, since the court has

chi products for straightening hair