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People create 'opportunities in life, to enjoy the color, a dream come true, to enjoy the opportunity to grow together and progress together with the views of the country and the era of opportunity.' The dream of the whole nation, not only the long-cherished wish of the Chinese nation for centuries, but also all the sons and daughters shared vision; both for cohesion reform consensus, also encourages all people to a heart like, an effort to make one, so as to comprehensively deepen reforms polymerization greatest common divisor. Third, the new methodology is to expand the reform of the reform unprecedented new business, we must adhere to the correct methodology. Xi Jinping, general secretary reveals the relationship between some of the major comprehensive deepening the reform, stressed the need to work hard to master the scientific way of thinking, adhere to global thinking, strategic thinking, dialectical thinking, legal thinking, systems thinking, the bottom line thinking and innovative thinking to achieve reform new Development Methodology. Both should be very cautious, but also to strengthen top-level design. Reform is no precedent innovative great cause, no ready answers and experience, must adhere to the correct methodology, constantly advancing the practice of exploration. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: 'feeling the stones, is full of Chinese characteristics, in line with the reform of China's national conditions method of trial and error is the law of touch..' The socialist road with Chinese characteristics is the 'trial and error' gradually out to explore. This gradual reform, avoiding the unknown, improper measures lead to social unrest, as steadily promote the reform, the smooth realization of the goal to provide a guarantee. However, with the deepening of reform, deepen the reform of the complexity and difficulty of increasing, which requires us to continue to adhere to the cautious, continue to encourage bold experiments, bold breakthrough at the same time, strengthen macro Thoughts on Reform and top-level design, pay more attention to the reform of systematic, holistic, synergistic, comprehensively deepen reforms to make substantive progress. Both overall progress, but also major breakthroughs. Reform is a profound and comprehensive social change is a systems engineering. Must adhere to a comprehensive reform, to promote synergy in the reform, we must grasp the overall reform in the overall premise, so that all reform initiatives complement each other in terms of policy orientation, and promote each other in the implementation process

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