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People 'issues. At the same time, in order to prevent cadre selection and initial nomination focused on' a few people 'in the hands, the implementation of personal recommendation and Organization recommended, talking recommended and the Conference recommended a combination of other ways to expand the selection and appointment coverage. Second, improve the leadership 'cadres exit mechanism, strictly implement the system of leading cadres, elected for a term of 3 years, term of office expires, passing the examination can be re-elected, the middle two principal retiring general should communicate the importance of sharing the expiration of three principles, other leaders on the same post office a long time, according to the actual exchange or rotation. the third is the establishment of the introduction of the pay agreement personnel evaluation team, the company's introduction of the 16 people working salary agreement carried out a comprehensive evaluation, and in accordance with evaluation of the results of the introduction of staff play the role of a poor or incomplete implementation of the objectives of reducing the remuneration or dismissal of the work program. 9. with regard to the problem of illegal promotion. First, strictly fulfill the selection and appointment of work rules and procedures according to 'move the nomination, democratic recommendation, study, discussion and decision, working 'step to carry out the work of cadre selection, the company clear all straight appointment of cadres, should be decided by the party committee Standing Committee, Commission for Discipline Inspection and solicit written comments no recommendations through democracy, solicit written comments Discipline , office visits cadres, will be allowed on the Council for discussion before their appointment content and timing of non-compliance, shall not apply for tenure procedures, and resolutely put the case in the past instead of the annual assessment of cadres promoted the study, according to the provisions office visits, prevent further flaws procedural. Second, revised the 'cadres regulations' to further regulate the basic principles of leadership cadre selection and appointment, qualifications, identified six kinds can not be classified as study objects circumstances, strict compliance with pre-service public system , office conversation system, rigid to avoid irregularities system occurs. Third, standardize exceptional promotion procedures leading cadres, strictly fulfill exceptional promotion of leading cadres in advance to solicit parent organization (personnel) departments comments that do not meet the conditions to resolutely stop, put an end to arbitrariness on the employer. Fourth correct violations exceptional promotion of cadres problems. for the annual examination by the unqualified and demerit affect not expired, illegal promotion of a

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