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Recently released on integration 'along the way' to speed up the construction of open Ningxia opinions proposed pilot institutional mechanisms to promote inland open, pilot 'along the way' of major projects of cooperation, active integration 'along the way' to speed up the implementation of the strategy of opening up drive . Silk Road and Maritime Silk Road in the intersection of Sichuan Province recently issued 'along the way' of investing. The guidelines clearly, Sichuan Province in 2017 and 'along the way' along the scale of trade countries and regions will expand to $ 30 billion, accumulated foreign contracted projects turnover of US $ 20 billion, two-way investment with an average annual growth of 10%. The next three years, will be screened out of 20 countries with large trade and industrial advantages of comparative advantage, to 'go out' and 'bringing in' combination, the use of the province's top ten industries, four industries with surplus production capacity other international cooperation, and strive to 50 major investment projects floor, and featured 100 foreign trade enterprises to participate in cooperation. Accelerate local version of the project to build the repository as a propulsive 'along the way' strategy a major force behind the local version of 'along the way' project to build the repository has been accelerated. Nanning is planning to establish a 'along the way' major project repository, a project library to collect a total of 97 major projects with a total investment of 409.454 billion yuan. Yulin is also to establish full speed 'along the way' major project repository, a project library to collect a total of 147 major projects with a total investment of 616.03 billion yuan. Among them, 35 projects started, the estimated total investment of 113.918 billion yuan. The Silk Road is located in the economic zone and the Yangtze River economic belt overlap region Ziyang City, Sichuan has established butt 'along the way' strategic repository of major projects, a total of 307 major projects, estimated total investment of about 370 billion yuan. Located in the western inland Shaanxi Province is accelerating the establishment of 'along the way' dynamic repository of major projects, and strive for more major projects included in the national level, to achieve a large strategic projects of. According to earlier of Guangdong Province 'along the way' to promote the construction plan of priority list of projects, 68 projects with a total investment of 55.4 billion US dollars, covering six areas of infrastructure construction, energy resources, agriculture, fisheries, manufacturing, services and the like. 'Economic Information Daily' reporter combing found that these items

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