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The 'peak shifting vacation' Let this 'pleasant surprise' possible. 11 issued comments made it clear that encourage peak load shifting vacation. In a stable unified national holidays premise of both the units and enterprises according to their actual situation, to paid leave and a local traditional festival, local special events combined peak load shifting arrangements vacations. Associate Professor of Nankai University College of Tourism and Service DU Wei pointed out that the implementation of peak load shifting first vacation leave system rationalization and adjustment to ensure the important traditional holiday National Day, New Year's Day, etc., based on the combined north and south, ethnic characteristics, appropriate adjustments holiday breed; Second, under the system of paid leave is relatively well premise can split an existing holiday, decomposed into a plurality of ethnic festivals fit the 'mini vacation.' In fact, some places in China have been practicing with the local national holidays paid leave and flexible combination. Every March three Zhuang, Dai Songkran, Tibetan and other Tibetan New Year, local implementation will be flexible vacation mode, 'Norwegian fake' 'fake fight' way to get people to 'play well, rest well.' Interview tourism experts also suggested that after the implementation of the relevant system peak load shifting of leave, according to local characteristics around the need to tap the local village folk, festivals, for different groups of people, to create a variety of packaging products travel experience. Paid vacation: private 'disastrous' how 'crucial'? Not allowed to leave the commentary model workers, who should be Hugh endlessly no longer paid annual leave subsidies ...... Recently, the introduction of more 'hard regulations' to promote the implementation of paid leave sparked controversy also highlights the status of implementation of the system over the years, 'elusive' in. Xinhua The latest survey shows that more than Qicheng of Internet users over the last three years never enjoyed paid leave. Did not break into a false reasons, 'can not think Hugh Hugh' ''d like to take no time off,' 'worry vacations will affect the future,' the proportion of three to reach more than half. However, another question is worth pondering: National Bureau of Investigation Team Shaanxi relevant survey data show that over the past three years, the local executive authorities, state-owned enterprises, more than eighty percent of workers can enjoy paid vacation; within three years of domestic private enterprises enjoyed paid less than half the proportion of workers leave, the majority of small and micro private sector

chi straightener temperature control