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Liu Lan wave, we recommend you to learn from him. Deng Xiaoping put this issue called 'a revolution', 'not to engage in this revolution, the elderly, patients younger block, energetic, capable people the way, not just the four modernizations is no hope, and even to be involved Wangdangwangguo problems that may be destruction of the Party. 'Chen Yun also in may 1981 wrote' young cadres promoted culture is a priority, 'a text, distributed Deng Xiaoping, Hu Yaobang and the Central Organization Department Minister Song Renqiong, and suggested that specializes in' talk at the sixth plenary session about the problem of youth cadres. 'in June, the organization Department of the CPC Central Committee convened Chen Yun and the PLA General Political Department head of discussion, presided over the drafting of the' symposium on veteran retired Minutes 'that' cadres must implementation retired, retirement system, which is the fundamental way, 'suggesting that' the party must develop cadres retired and regulations. ' On the other, from all levels of the 'soft nails.' Some people think of retirement, giving way, not that I was deprived of the right to participate in revolutionary work it? Someone just implement the policy back to work, heart gas is high; some people think young people with little experience to work to 'young folks' how can I not worry? Of course, some people have a lot of formula in a feel retired, and to lose the benefits of the reign of. Hu was in charge of the central line cadres frankly stated:. 'In recent years, put some young people, great resistance.' So, the central thought of a compromise, is to determine the full implementation of leading cadres retirement system at the same time, and set the advisor Advisory Board as a transition (at that time was also the central idea, in addition to the central Committee, the establishment of two more committees, an advisory committee, a commission for discipline inspection, to absorb a number of veteran comrades). The justification is that the 'young cadres need experienced old comrades mentoring, if the old comrades at full back down, young cadres existence of practical difficulties.' Deng Xiaoping There was a vivid metaphor, 'the legislature a number of temples, Buddha old comrades go resettlement arrangements in the future, you can put middle-aged comrades picked up. 'so, August 13, 1980, the CPC Central Committee, the State Council made the decision to set up units above the county level consultants: arrange some old comrades as

chi styling products review