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Agreement principal contradiction lies. Due to the different stages of development, developed and developing countries how should adhere to the 'common but differentiated responsibilities' on difficult to reach a consensus. On this issue, regardless of stage of development should be subject to the same obligations to reduce emissions and provide financing, countries need to follow or adhere to the historical development and current level of responsibility, assume different duties, different positions developed and developing countries. 'The lack of mutual trust between the countries is the difficulty of Paris climate talks.' Amber Rudd said the key to this problem is to change the open and transparent as possible, 'I hope that countries can make their own as' direct contribution to the national custom plan '(INDCs). I believe representatives and Xie Zhenhua, as transparent as possible in all aspects, is the way to solve the problem. 'June 30 this year, China submitted to the United Nations framework Convention on climate change Secretariat of the national climate change independent contributions file 'enhanced action on climate change - China national autonomous contribution.' According to documents, by 2030, Chinese carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP down 60% to 65% compared with 2005. Amber Rudd on China for the efforts made by the Paris Climate Conference expressed its appreciation, 'We are very pleased to see China put forward their own so early INDCs, hope that other countries can make their own independent contribution to the program immediately after China . ' China news agency, Washington, August 10 (Reporter Zhang Weiran) - Chinese Embassy spokesman Zhu Hai right local time on the 10th denied US media reported that the so-called 'Chinese hacker senior US government officials personal mailbox', and that China firmly opposes any form network hacker attacks, the United States engage in microphone diplomacy can not solve any problem, it would be counterproductive. According to the US National Broadcasting Company (NBC) quoted US anonymous intelligence official as saying that Chinese cyber espionage invasion of all senior officials of the Obama Administration is responsible for national security and trade issues, 'Personal Boxes', this network espionage dates back at least to 2010 April. In addition to the theft of potentially useful intelligence information, Chinese hackers have stolen US official e-mail address book to their friends and colleagues launched cyber attacks. The article says

chi tourmaline flat iron reviews