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The same characteristics, that is, the fly is small, but big appetite. Machi Town, Changping District Agricultural Service Center of origin Renzhang Pei Shan, almost can not search the Internet as well as his own photos and information unit, but it is such a very humble little 'Village', Central Discipline Inspection Commission website was informed ' he misappropriated 821 million yuan of public funds to finance and investment, and $ 3 million being transferred to personal financial accounts, income owned by individuals, and another 20 million yuan may fail to recover. during the clerk also received a trust administered GanXieFei 140,000 yuan. ' A calculation using a calculator, which is 821 million, even survival, according to the annual interest rate of 0.35%, the interest this year alone 2.8735 million yuan; if it is kept a year on a regular basis, this year, the interest can reach 1642 million. So netizen commented: 'more than eight one hundred million in revenue a day keep the balance of 100,000 Po, Ma is estimated that he will find a cup of tea.' Comment: Director of Beijing township agricultural service centers can divert 820 million, the township is more money ah. Playing more meaningful grassroots flies directly related to people's livelihood! Official little bold, in terms of corruption do not lose big tiger. Now the most urgent thing is to check the grassroots cadres, they are the ones who eat the flies! Commentary: 'flies' more than Central Discipline Inspection Commission, Supreme Procuratorate also showed the punch. According to the Supreme People's Procuratorate revealed that from July this year to July 2017, the procuratorial organs to carry out a two-year focus on punishing and preventing poverty alleviation benefits of agricultural job-related crimes. Supreme Procuratorate of Crime Prevention Bureau deputy director Chen Zhengyun: adhere to focus on key personnel, and resolutely investigate and deal with the requirements of agriculture and poverty alleviation departments, township party and government organs and village 'two committees' cadres, the village team, accounting other crimes committed by personnel of the rural grass-roots organizations. Commentary: the press conference said the figures also confirmed the necessity of centralized punish, since 2013. Corruption Crimes in agriculture-related fields of poverty reduction, 'village officials involved in corruption,' showing high momentum. Chenzheng Yun: As of May this year, procuratorial organs at all levels handled a total field of agriculture and poverty alleviation crimes committed 28894, accounting for the same period prosecutors registered and investigated crimes committed total people

chi tribal zebra 1 hair straightener reviews