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ï»\xBF22%. Overall, agriculture-related crimes committed in the field of poverty alleviation is still hovering high in the prone prone posture. Commentary: spokesman, these crimes committed occurred in the county, township and village levels, which Kejiyixia staff and village cadres accounted for a larger proportion. Showing a 'low position, high incidence of' features. Chenzheng Yun: Some provinces village 'two committees' responsible for more than half the cases the entire field of agriculture-related crimes committed in poverty, some cities and counties as much as 70% -80%. Commentary: In addition, 'Woan Chuanan serious' is also a major feature. For example, the Guangxi prosecutors filed 276 agriculture-related cases, common crime 83, 30%; another example of Wuhu City in recent years, prosecutors investigating agriculture-related crimes committed in Huimin, Woan, Chuanan accounts involved 84.52% of agricultural areas that benefit the total number of crimes committed in the filing. The same day, 'People's Daily' published an article called client 'Rural flies careful! Focus immediately deal with you. ' Speaking of which, do not look around these farmers are small flies officer, harm a great deal. Since dealing directly with the grassroots masses, regardless of who is corruption, bribery, embezzlement or abuse of power, and the people are competing for profits. Their criminal acts, directly undermining our ties between the party cadre-mass relations, threaten our party's base. Zhang Yu: One such case is really stunning, such a low-level officials was able to divert more than 800 million funding such an astronomical figure, to be honest this case to a few people did not expect. The first did not think that the rural service center of a town actually has more than 800 million of funds. The second did not think that the director of a small rural service centers, even you can have the power to mobilize more than 800 million of funds. The third did not expect is that it has long been more than 800 million funds for personal finance, no one found no supervision. Indeed we have seen in the grass-roots organizations in rural areas, some officials they have huge resources, huge power, but in a vacuum state regulation. So the next two years, Supreme Procuratorate special punish action against some officials is the rural grass-roots organizations, mainly what people? I

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