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Look. The first is the official functions of agriculture and poverty alleviation department; the second is the staff of township party and government organs; third is the village 'two committees' cadres, is the party secretary, village head these officials; the fourth is the group of villagers staff long, accounting these rural grassroots organizations, mainly these four objects. So why the Supreme Procuratorate to focus on those people who want to do? Let's connect Deputy Secretary General of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Research Center of the Chinese Independent Mr. Gao wave interpretation. Koha how do you see the Supreme Procuratorate launched special rectification action, it has no meaning wind vanes pointing to it? Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Research Center, deputy secretary general of Chinese Independent High wave: Of course, I think we can learn from the positive and negative two ways. Well, from the negative point of view, it is that, as our anti-corruption in advancing the process of detoxification which dredging, we also found that 'the tiger too far away, he could feel the flies daily.' Is the people 'see corruption', now also become a more serious multiple prone to such a phenomenon. Well, from this positive perspective, we fly around shooting people, then in fact it also allows us to share the corruption of the masses of dividends. That is our Forced to advance anti-corruption reform, we regulatory Forced landing Forced be able to implement our policies. So that the majority of our people to get a sense of the enhanced anti-corruption is the wind, feel the benefit. Therefore, special operations like this are very important and very necessary, very critical. Zhang Yu: high-Secretary-General, I have a set of data which, in fact, can explain some officials of corruption cases in recent years of rural grass-roots organizations has become a high incidence of corruption cases. We look at 2013 to May 2015 period, procuratorial organs at all levels handled a total of agriculture-related crimes committed in the field of poverty reduction is more than 28,000 people, accounting for 22% of the total number of the same period of investigation of crimes committed staff, more than one fifth. Then we see which investigated corruption cases, involving more than 16,000 people, accounting for 56.7% of agriculture-related crime. Agriculture-related funds management aspects of the investigation and handling of cases is 14,900 people, accounting for 55% of agriculture-related criminal cases. Agriculture-related fields

chi tribal zebra collection hair straightener reviews