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Modification personnel, with the waters adjacent to the ship concerned and witnesses, local maritime authorities and relevant departments of the Ministry of Transport, travel agencies and other stakeholders a detailed conversation detailed inquiry, has formed more than 200 common conversation transcripts of more than 50 million words. Second, analysis of meteorological exploration sciences. Regional meteorological expert group on cross-strait air incident affected areas to conduct field survey, and obtain a timely meteorological incident, Doppler radar monitoring data, has organized six times, Peking University, Nanjing University, State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Sciences Atmospheric Institute of Physics and the China meteorological Administration experts symposium, a comprehensive analysis of meteorological satellites, weather radar, lightning detection and automatic surface weather observations and other information as well as experts in the field survey results, scientific judgments incident weather conditions. Third, careful inspection ship data. From shipbuilding enterprises and design units, identification of bodies, channel management and supervision departments and other units of the transfer of the ship design drawings, standard specification, qualification certificates, etc. more than 200 copies, day and night experts for review and verification, complete control of ship design, construction, modification, testing, competency seaworthiness of the ship and crew as well as waterways, hydrology and so on. Fourth, timely boarding scene investigation and evidence collection. In advance and on-site rescue headquarters communication, ensure that the ship during the salvage lifting cockpit protection, create conditions for investigation. After righting the ship, timely experts on board to conduct a survey of other key parts of the cab to take pictures, the transfer of the ship-borne GPS terminals, video surveillance data and other key evidence and contact information and other experts to recover read, understand the shipwreck before sailing, driving, and respond to distress disposal situation. By just a few days in an orderly, serious investigation, the State Council investigation team mastered a lot of first-hand information, laid the foundation for the final identification of the nature and cause of the incident. 'Eastern Star' ferry capsized many factors involved, extremely complex reasons, must be scientific proof of identification necessary simulations, can be finalized. To this end, the State Council investigation team to further reinforce and strengthen the force, and improve refinement survey program, a solid job of collecting evidence fixing, ship drawings review, stability tests and follow-up inspection marks impaired priorities, and hold

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