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Block skyrocketing, the COSCO Group, China Shipping Group's six listed companies in China COSCO, COSCO Shipping, China Shipping, China Shipping Development, China Sea Sheng, China Sea Technology stocks are six daily limit. A comprehensive financial network China Securities Network, Tencent Finance reported 'In recent years, governments at all levels Tang Ling nearby quarry ongoing remediation, basically out quarry site protection area, but the scope of protection of the nearby quarry is still difficult to eliminate. Tang Ling Ling is mostly mountains, this is a magnificent picture, but let quarry mountain full of holes, destroyed the original forceful magnificent style. 'text /' Outlook 'Newsweek reporters Liang Juanchen and Chen Shanxi Sheng Guan Wei River North area lies in the Western Han Dynasty 9 Mausoleum and the Mausoleum of Tang Dynasty 18, and dotted with a burial tomb is a valuable witness China's Han Tang dynasty. 'Outlook' Newsweek reporters Jin Rishi and De Caifang found that the influence of vandalism repeatedly made to protect the weak and other factors, some Chinese ancient king cemetery and burial tomb sites overall outlook subject to greater risk. Suffering from eroded intrusive 'House of Shanghai, Xi'an tower, Xianyang graves covered with knots. A loess wind Yang, the bones of many emperors, Yukio Jour blood and tears.' Circulated in the local folk, telling the Chinese ancient king cemetery past glory. Although in recent years it is strictly protected, but vandalism weathered plus the threat of Chinese ancient king cemetery still in glory. Xianyang City Heritage Tourism Bureau data show that the liberation of the early Han Dynasty tomb mound Xianyang plateau has more than 800 seats, the fifties and sixties of last century after leveling the ground motion and large-scale wind and rain erosion, and today only 200 seats, and the Tang Dynasty Mausoleum burial tomb also more destructive. In the vicinity of Henkel Zu Changling, the local implementation of 3,000 acres of green projects around Changling, Greenfield bursts, spectacular. But above Changling mound of garbage, feces lot, also left traces of barbecue restaurants, not far from the tomb of Zhao wishful surrounded by modern graves. Zhengyang in Xianyang City Weicheng District Office Yang Bay Village, Changling some burial tomb mound range has been greatly reduced, and some at the bottom of almost hollowed out, leaving some traces had been dug into the kiln. 'The village had more than a dozen accompanying tombs of the Han Dynasty, about a 50 m, cross-shaped distribution, land leveling campaign to

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