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In the important anti-corruption reports, speeches and articles. The book is 67, part of which is first published. The book focused on the implementation of Comrade Wei third generation of central collective leadership with Comrade Jiang Zemin as the core of the major decisions about clean government and anti-corruption work, the deployment of the main ideas and expression, reflecting the party's comrade Wei Thinking deeply anti-corruption theory, it reflects the clean government cadres and masses in this historical stage and the fight against corruption achieved significant results. The book about the history of the development process for this period, anti-corruption, anti-corruption deepen the theoretical and practical issues, Comrade Hu Jintao as general secretary of the CPC Central Committee under the leadership fully implement the central major policy decisions, deployment, and the times to promote clean government and combat corruption has a positive meaning. Microblogging screenshots Xinhua Beijing October 12 (Reporter Tan Hao) Wei comrades 'on clean government and combat corruption,' a book by the Central Literature Publishing House, China Founder Press, recently in the national public offering. This book contains Comrade Wei from 1987 to 2002 served as Minister of Supervision and during the major report on anti-corruption Central Discipline Inspection Commission secretary aspects, speeches and articles. The book is 67, part of which is first published. The book focused on the implementation of Comrade Wei third generation of central collective leadership with Comrade Jiang Zemin as the core of the major decisions about clean government and anti-corruption work, the deployment of the main ideas and expression, reflecting the party's comrade Wei Thinking deeply anti-corruption theory, it reflects the clean government cadres and masses in this historical stage and the fight against corruption achieved significant results. The book about the history of the development process for this period, anti-corruption, anti-corruption deepen the theoretical and practical issues, Comrade Hu Jintao as general secretary of the CPC Central Committee under the leadership fully implement the central major policy decisions, deployment, and the times to promote clean government and combat corruption has a positive meaning. Time to work not only abide by the law, 'eight hours outside' leading cadres of social and leisure activities will also be included in the Commission for Discipline Inspection Yan

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