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The first responsible person, to take the focus of the team members, the next level of the main party responsible for the activities eight hours outside supervision duties. Other members of the leadership team in accordance with the principles of management at different levels, to understand than to master in charge or contact regions, departments and units of the party's leading cadres eight hours activities, identify problems and timely reminder to correct and report. All levels of Commission for Discipline Inspection (discipline group), Party Committee Organization Department should take the responsibility for special supervision, to assist party committees (party) to carry out the supervision of the party's leading cadres activities than eight hours, eight hours outside will be responsible for the activities as described above honesty Germany, written honesty, honest government, accountability inspections and examinations, daily supervision and management of cadres of the important content. Party committees (party) should give full play to the role of social supervision, understand the circumstances leading Party cadres are clean, social interactions, family life. Organization and personnel departments should strengthen communication links with the party's leading cadres in particular, the families of the spouse. All levels of party committees (party) and the discipline inspection organs through government portals, internet politics, public service ads, political popularity of wind hotline, letters and reports and other forms of media to guide the orderly participation of eight hours outside supervision. How long tube? Important addition to establishing eight hours to consult reporting system 'advice' requirement, all levels of party committees (party) to establish and improve the leadership cadres 'eight hours outside,' the major issues, important issues referrals reporting system, strict discipline, clear-cut support for Discipline Inspection (discipline inspection team ) and the Party organization Department supervision of Party members and leading cadres investigated 'than eight hours' violation of discipline problems, to strengthen the rules of discipline and rigidity. All levels of Commission for Discipline Inspection (discipline inspection group) and organization departments to strictly enforce discipline provisions, smooth channels of supervision and reporting of violation of discipline will be used to remind the interview under different circumstances, admonishing remarks, tissue processing, and other party and government disciplinary measures manner, Bulletin exposure to typical problems. The failure to properly perform their supervision responsibilities, the problem should be found and not found, the problem should be addressed and not in time, resulting in a small error lead to big problems and even continuous occurrence of acts of violation of discipline, should be investigated for party committees (party) of the body liability and regulatory responsibility of relevant departments. Written: Southern Reporter Huang Yi correspondent Guangdong Ji Xuan

warranty for chi flat iron