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Housing fund usage, called on all localities to speed up the release of surplus funds to improve capital efficiency and further stimulate housing consumption. 'Housing and Urban Construction Department of Shandong Province, Li Li, deputy director, told reporters. National Bureau of Statistics data show that the end of June, the national real estate for sale area of ​â€\x8B657.38 million square meters, an increase of 20.8%, while the fund balance in many cities housing significantly growth. industry experts believe that the fund's large number of high precipitation and inventory of the property market in stark contrast, and therefore the fund to strengthen support for the property market has become a reasonable path. 'currently a lot of pressure on the stock four-tier cities significantly relax the provident fund policy, obviously help to increase the power to the inventory of these cities. 'Shanghai E-House Real Estate Institute of Research Director Yan Yuejin Center think tank said. (Original title: the country and more intensive fund loans adjustment policies) edit: SN123 People, Beijing, August 7 electricity Xinhua News Agency, former vice president Shen Hai male Recently the Guangdong provincial propaganda; the Tibet Autonomous Region Party Committee Propaganda Minister Dong Yunhu transferred to Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Minister. So far this year, the country has 10 provinces Party Propaganda Minister post has been adjusted. In addition to adjustments, Guangdong, Tibet, Shanghai, and the remaining seven provinces are: Minister of Tianjin Municipal Propaganda Department into its San stepped down and was replaced by Deputy Minister Wang Hesheng; Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Minister Hai Jing Jun, Vice Minister of the Central Propaganda Department transferred; Sichuan provincial Committee propaganda Minister Yin Li concurrently; Jilin Songyuan Municipal Party Committee secretary Gao Fuping Minister Jilin propaganda; propaganda Department Deputy secretary Zhang Ximing was transferred to Qinghai Province to promote its minister; minister Huangdao Wei was transferred to the regional party committee to promote its vice-chairman of Guangxi autonomous regional government; Hubei provincial Committee organization Department of the Deputy Minister Liang was appointed provincial minister of propaganda. Currently, Tibet, Shaanxi's propaganda minister post is temporarily vacant. 3 provincial propaganda minister transferred by the central three central 'airborne' in this provincial propaganda system personnel changes, there are 3 places transferred to the central propaganda department. Tuo Zhen and Jing Junhai were transferred to Vice Minister of the Central Propaganda Department. Publicity Minister Xu Lin was transferred to the Shanghai Municipal former deputy director of the Central Information Office network and national networks Information Office. Guangdong Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Minister Shen Hai male, Sichuan Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Minister Yin Li, the Qinghai provincial propaganda minister Zhang Ximing other three people from the central sector

which chi flat iron is best for fine hair