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Things are concerned, some people call me, they will exchange information about each other. For consulate undertaken major work during the investigation, Guo Wei told the Beijing News reporter, consulate mainly to keep in touch with the local government, hoping the first time be able to get relevant information. 'Wreckage transported to France, the transfer of the center of the investigation occurred, we do mainly to keep track of relevant information to the first time for the country to know.' In addition, she also said that the consulate was not involved in the investigation of responsibility, 'we are mainly responsible for tracking, work according to the unified deployment of the Chinese Foreign Ministry and instructions.' Earlier, media reported that Chinese experts have access to Reunion assist in the investigation. Guo Wei told the Beijing News reporter, mainly to Malaysia-based survey, in addition to French experts, in the middle do not have any Chinese experts came to the island. At present, the cause of the crash and other important information MH370 is still under investigation, Guo Wei said that we all hope to be able to get to the bottom of this matter, which is common to expect. (Original title: Chinese Consul General in Saint-Denis, Reunion Island deny Chinese experts to investigate) edit: SN123 The Beijing News (Reporter Rao Pei) Beijing Municipal Gardens Bureau announced yesterday, the Summer Palace, Beihai Park, Beijing, the first batch of 25 selected parks historical gardens list. Beijing refers to the historic park in the Beijing area, in a prominent historical and cultural value, and to reflect the traditional garden art garden. It worked in a certain historical period within a particular region or Beijing, for urban change or arts and cultural development had an impact. The historic park is also included within the scope of Beijing Area, relying garden heritage building. Beijing has many of the world's cultural heritage, why should set historical gardens list? Municipal Gardens Bureau, said, to determine the historical gardens list for promoting the protection of the historic city of Beijing is very important. OK historic park directory, advocate relying heritage site planning and construction of the surrounding parkland on the formation of distinctive cultural features of green space construction style, build rich historical and cultural connotation of urban green space system has a role in promoting. Through the development of the historic park protection norms, the historical gardens and urban parks ordinary tube

which chi hair dryer is the best