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Vice president in charge of the international department, which was responsible for the development of smart phone operating system Google. Chinese companies hope to make up for sales overseas operations rapidly slowing domestic business. In addition, Lenovo also from the United States, IBM and Apple and other US companies recruited several executives level talent. Edit: SN123 The Beijing News (Reporter Wang Wei) lawyers handling civil cases encountered obstacles, stamped with the official seal of the court's investigation order, may request the relevant departments to provide information related to the case. Yesterday morning, four in the hospital in the city court system, the first implementation of a lawyer investigation system, which is the relevant provisions of the Beijing court for the first time for the lawyer's rights and interests. Investigation system for the first time clear yesterday, the Beijing Intermediate People's Court released the four 'a number of provisions to fully protect the rights of lawyers to practice jointly safeguard justice' (hereinafter referred to as 'Regulations'). The announcement of the 'rule' There are 30, from 4-24 on the basic rights lawyer in court to perform their duties according to law enjoy, such as marking the right, the right to information, right to be heard, the right to investigate and collect evidence etc. We have been more fully detailed provisions. Which the lawyer handling the most significant impact, than the 'rule' 13 clear 'investigation system.' According to 'rule': 'ON investigation system, or in a civil action in the case of the implementation phase, the application by the parties, by the court to review compliance with the relevant provisions, the issue of investigation order, the attorney named party investigation order to hold the relevant units or individuals investigation and collection of evidence 'in addition, the' rule 'equity content with a lawyer about further comprising: establishing a security check lawyer' green channel '; adequate protection of the right to counsel of scoring; and according to the law to be alert to related parties or coercive measures. 'This provision is reflected in the trial practice lawyer responded positively to more concentrated opinions and suggestions with the aim to fully play a key role in identifying the facts of the case in court, so that the words of lawyers in court, defense and representation to fully express their opinions , to enhance the effectiveness of the trial process. 'Fourth Beijing in the presence of Dean Wu said. System is expected to promote the city attorney to make investigations in order to better identify the facts of the case, the Court upheld a lawyer to investigate cases related to the case

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