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Public Security Bureau, at 13:40 on the 6th Xu, Tianjin Baodi treasure white road street white horse crossing the south side of your village, accident occurred, killing five people were killed. It is understood that when the accident occurred, a leased car and van retrograde a normal driving collided Xiali car accident two people were killed and three seriously injured. 3 injured after being rushed to hospital after she died. At present, the cause of the accident and the investigation is ongoing. Edit: SN098 The picture shows the scene. Wudongkeshe Source Network Medical Reform Office of the State Council, responsible person, Fu Wei said today that the 3077 county-level public hospitals, 446 in urban public hospitals have canceled all drug addition; 21 provinces, 224 cities in accordance with the 'total control, structural adjustment, goes up there down 'principle, to adjust the price of medical services; comprehensive reform of urban public hospitals to expand to 100. (CCTV reporter Shi Yingchun) edit: SN098 Microblogging screenshot [Global Times, Global Network reported reporter XING Xiao Jing] 6, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Kuala Lumpur to attend the ASEAN Foreign Ministers during a series of meetings with Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and Japanese foreign ministers held bilateral meetings. According to informed sources, after the meeting, Wang said that this year is the 70th anniversary of the victory, not only the Chinese people, the international community are concerned about how to get through Japan, and expressed the hope that Japan will continue to adhere to their past peace walk development. What the foreign ministers' meeting by ASEAN on the occasion of the meeting in Malaysia's talk focused on? Japanese Foreign Ministry officials counterparts exclusive response 'Global Times' said that, since the meeting was 'ASEAN + 3' is not an appropriate occasion to discuss Sino-Japanese relations, so the discussion focus on the cooperation between ASEAN and Japan and South Korea , including future work together and assist in the economic field. As for the other issues discussed, but the official said the inconvenience described the meeting as a whole situation. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Sunday that 'I've never heard of Abe's visit to China in September this matter' at the ASEAN meeting. When the 'Global Times' reporter asked on the matter, this fellow Japanese Foreign Ministry officials responded that 'about Prime Minister Abe's visit to China in September, what has not been determined.' The official said Japan

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