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Hair two years, rumors platform to connect all parties to create a 'rumor platform' media convergence platform for the node, and to achieve convergence of traditional media and network media, network media and traditional media to get through two public fields. For example, after the '2014 Top Ten Life rumors' publishing platform to try to play the role of municipal media, 'the micro end of the two', the Beijing Daily, Beijing Evening News, Beijing Morning Post, Beijing Youth Daily, the Legal Evening News and other media in addition to great length in the key forum reported, but their numbers are public micro-channel synchronous been published and sparked a Communist (Central Organization Department micro-channel public number), CCTV News (CCTV micro-channel public number), CNS, Jinan Daily, Nanfang Daily, Chengdu Evening News , Dongnanzaobao and other news organizations around the micro-channel public number, nearly 400 micro-channel public account published reports. In addition, joining the site as a joint Beiqing Bao rumor stage of the first traditional media, try newspaper network interaction, the interview will be integrated force and influence of traditional media, online media together, together rumor has been noticed. This year, the North Youth 'North Green · mirror according to rumor' column launched a total of nearly 80 original rumor reported that North Youth rumor rumor column reprinted total class of nearly 2000 reports. (Legal Evening News micro-channel public number: fzwb_52165216) increased to 45 members of the six sites, newspapers and other full coverage as of August 2015, the platform has been the first focus of the site territorial six co-sponsored by 45 members of the development units covering websites, newspapers, radio, television, social organizations and the relevant government departments to guide, support, and other provinces and municipalities integrated collaborative working platform. In addition, the establishment of government departments, industry organizations, traditional media and network media cross-regional cross-media convergence rumor mechanism. Related News 'first response' to join the platform rumor this morning, aimed at first time users authority to respond to hot topics of concern 'first response' column rumor officially joined the platform, while 'rumor platform for the first time in response to' micro-channel public number Zhengshishangxian . According to reports, 'first response' column is intended first time on the hot issues of concern to society authoritative answer. Currently, this column has written more than 50 articles, shallow depth responses and phase responses

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