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ï»\xBF, Uncles, Shishu their love and affection. So give him a variety of convenient. Later extension Ludo heart change, under the banner of Shaolin Monks group received student, he began to think he was promote Shaolin culture, not pay more intervention, so that later found and identified Lu Shi Yan Wu school And not only do we ...... after Chaming their monastery by jungle rules move a single return to secular life. Lu secularization is still trailing the banner Dengfeng Shaolin Monks group training base with the name and title of Shaolin monks Zong Jiaotou do military school and larger. But for the priesthood, had been moved to a single issue, has been vindictive ...... 'In this regard, there are media reports yesterday, Shi Yan Lu denied that he is the whistleblower' Release justice. 'And' interpretation of justice 'last night told the Chengdu Business Daily reporter, their personal safety is threatened, we will continue to publish more evidence later edit:. SN098 Ordos: a beautiful environment, pleasant climate, caring service - First impression Xinhua delegation Erdos Inner Mongolia Erdos August 5 sports news (Xinhua News Agency reporters Peng Yuan and Zhang Yirong) Tenth National Traditional Ethnic Minority Sports will be opening soon, some representatives early check-in group has the athletes village. Intense training before the game space, the reporter approached them, listened to their venue and event services Ordos first impression. 'Who would have thought, prairie hinterland have such a modern city where they stand?' The first time set foot on this land, witnessed the modern and bustling prairie town, Xinjiang delegation charge plus coach Lvxin Gui excitement was palpable. Kang Bashi New City skyscrapers, green grass, the old town Dongsheng thriving business, traffic-intensive. From thousands of miles away Hamilton came all the way, somewhat tired players a little rest, then restore the spirit. In Lvxin Gui opinion, thanks to the Ordos beautiful environment and pleasant climate, 'Hamilton highest temperature in August is 40 degrees Celsius, a little training on the sweating, dry mouth here cool fresh air is sent Ordos Xinjiang delegation to our greatest gifts. ' Players bet plus the amount of training a few days ago when Sagesse Buick shoulder and neck injuries, wounding competition will undoubtedly affect his normal play, coach Lv Xingui this is quite worried. National Games

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