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Come, Dongguan City has made significant progress in social security fund run safe and effective. However, there are individual units and personal integrity, law-abiding consciousness, of fraud, forgery and other means to obtain evidence of social insurance funds, harm the interests of the insured, against the social security fund safety. Social security sector units and individuals will be cases of suspected social security fraud a crime shall be transferred to the public security organs; found discipline national staff suspected criminal clues, then transferred to the discipline inspection organs or Procuratorate. Falsely claimed to be potentially fraudulent criminal penalties According to reports, those who falsify evidence of fraud or other fraudulent means of social insurance benefits, be ordered by the social security administration departments returned to defraud social insurance, more than twice the amount fraudulently obtained more than five times fine. In addition, in April 2014 the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress explained on the 'People's Republic of China Criminal Law' (hereinafter referred to as the 'Criminal Law') Article 266, the first clear to fraud, forgery or other fraudulent means evidence pension, medical, work injury, unemployment, maternity and other social insurance or other social security benefits, are deemed to have committed acts of fraud, public or private property of 166 of this Law. According to the relevant provisions of Guangdong Province, Dongguan area currently defraud public and private property valued at RMB 6,000 yuan less than 10 yuan, a 'large amount'; 10 million yuan less than 50 yuan, a 'huge amount'; more than 50 million , belonging to 'a huge amount.' Press the 'Criminal Law' Article 266 stipulates that the amount of fraud based on the size and seriousness of the fraud perpetrator public and private property will likely be sentenced to criminal detention, control, imprisonment, or life imprisonment, a fine or a single office violate a ban, confiscation of property and other penalties. That is, in the future to illegal means to obtain social insurance funds or social insurance benefits more than 6,000 yuan a natural person will be subject to the corresponding criminal liability. Report the maximum amount of 5000 yuan reward Dongguan IESS relevant responsible person said, in order to encourage people to report offenses to defraud social insurance benefits, IESS will be verified and timely recovery of the social security fund a certain percentage of the amount of reward, and to protect informants

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