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WAN EXIANG seats, ZANU-PF Central Committee Chairman Zhang Baowen, Chen Changzhi Democratic National Construction Association Central Committee Chairman, Association for Promoting Democracy Central Committee Chairman Yan Jun Qi, industrial party Central Committee Chairman Chen Zhu, Wan Gang, President of the China Zhi Gong Dang, Jiu San Society Central Committee Chairman Han Qide, Taiwan Democratic Central Committee Chairman Lin Wenyi, the National Federation Vice-President Huang Rong, personages without party affiliation on behalf of Lin, spoke. After listening to speeches, Xi Jinping delivered an important speech. Xi pointed out that to maintain the basic stability of macroeconomic policies, strengthen policy implementation, our strategic focus, we have confidence in the economy through the development of a stable policy transmission to the whole society. To continue to promote the reform, we must dare to 'break', but also good 'legislation' to create a favorable market environment. To keep the risk of the bottom line, strengthen risk prevention awareness. To strengthen the livelihood security, improve the social security system and social safety nets. Xi Jinping hope that all democratic parties and personages without party affiliation to correctly understand the current economic situation, the thinking and action with the CPC Central Committee decision-making arrangements, unite their members and the contact with the masses, formed to support the reform and development of the high degree of consensus; play a large pool of talent major issues of intellectual superiority, contact a wide range of resources, focus on the economic and social operation and comprehensively deepen reforms, the rule of law is comprehensive, in-depth investigation, the CPC Central Committee decision to provide forward-looking, operability, comments and suggestions to promote China economic and social development line stability Zhiyuan. (Original title: Xi Jinping: reform should dare to 'break' the ability to 'stand') Edit: SN098 According to Xinhua News Agency Xinhua recently, the real thing the State Council, under Henzhao, heavy governance 'sleeping capital.' Foreign Ministry of Finance on the 30th informed revitalize the financial capital stock of the situation, nine central government departments named briefing. Under the notification, as of July 21, 2015, the central financial department has not returned stock funds were: the CPC Central Committee directly under the Government Offices Administration of 1.654 billion yuan, the Press and Publication Administration of Radio 247 million yuan, 246 million yuan SASAC, MOST 058 million yuan, 016 million yuan Ministry of Environmental Protection, State Qiaoban 016 million yuan, 009 million yuan CCPIT ACWF 004 million yuan, 002 million yuan central United Front Work Department. Treasury said there is no clear financial stock fund return deadline, the deadline should be returned. (

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