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Remote prosecution 14; basic living allowances from the captured fugitives like Alexandra. Tibet's development to increase efforts to assist Tibet meeting held that since the central fifth working conference on Tibet, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the central and state ministries, provincial and municipal counterparts in Tibet and the central business support, and the Party Committee of Tibet Autonomous Region government to unite and lead the cadres and masses of all ethnic groups, do a solid job development and stability of the work, rapid economic development, social progress, people's living standards have markedly improved, sustained overall social stability. The meeting stressed that the work of Tibet under the new situation, we must uphold the Party's governance of Tibet affairs to safeguard national unity, strengthen national unity as a starting point and focus the work, and unswervingly carry out the struggle against separatism, unswervingly promoting economic social development, and unswervingly safeguard and improve people's livelihood, and unswervingly promote contacts and exchanges between various ethnic groups blend, according to the law Tibetan, Prosperity possession, possession of long-term construction, unite the people and lay a solid foundation to ensure national security and long-term stability, to ensure sustained economic and social health development, to ensure that people of all material and cultural living standards continue to improve, to ensure a good ecological environment. The meeting stressed the need to adhere to improve people's livelihood, rallying as economic and social development of the starting point and goal, to infrastructure, industries with local advantages, ecological protection and construction, focusing on promoting economic and social development, towards a comprehensive well-off, advance significantly improve people's livelihood , prosperity and happiness to people's lives, and promote ecological safety barrier construction, to improve the overall ecology. Work to strengthen national unity, fully implement the Party's basic policy on religion, to grow and develop the patriotic united front, focus on doing the cohesion of the people, gathering strength work. To adhere to the central concern, with the country to support Tibet cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in the hard work closely together to increase efforts to assist Tibet. Tibetan cadres and masses of all ethnic groups to seize the opportunity to give full play the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, and create a new situation in Tibet. United Front Work Leading Group for the implementation of the policy of the United Front inspectors meeting decided to establish the Central United Front Work Leading Group, the main duty is to implement the central United Front and the central major decisions and plans on harmonization

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