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Status and base. According to reports, 85,890 government websites, local government websites had reported 82,674, the State Department reported to the 3216 government website. Local government website reported, the provincial government website 3026, municipal (including provincial bureau) government websites 22737, the county (including township streets) government website 56911; website State Council departments to report, the State Department's website 469 , sector vertical pipe unit websites 2748. From the distribution situation, Shandong, Sichuan, Guangdong and other provinces to submit a larger number of government websites; central vertical tube industry, taxation, postal services, quality control, weather, transportation, tobacco, and other sites submitted in larger quantities. The census completed the acquisition of resources working Chinese government website database of basic information, but also to promote the various localities and departments to check government websites rectification outstanding issues on the site significantly reduced, reflecting the strong public government 'zombie', 'sleep' and other outstanding issues sharply cut back. Survey found that more than 80,000 national government websites targeting different functions, content to maintain a larger level difference. Overall, the provincial website overall situation generally good, but the grassroots site, especially below the county level government departments and sites, the level of awareness is not high due to staff, maintenance of security is weak, there are still many problems, need through the 'Off stop and turn ',' revision upgrade 'in order to raise the overall improvement. Accordance with the deployment, all localities and departments should strive to achieve before the end of August, the overall standards of qualified national government websites. Edit: SN123 The latest adjusted second session of the National People's Congress legislative plan to the public this week, environmental protection tax, value added tax law, natural resources tax, real estate tax, the Customs Act, the tonnage tax, farmland occupation tax, and other seven tax is added into the present National People's Congress five-year legislative plan, released an important signal of the tax legal process speed. (Correspondent Han Jie) Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 5 - Topic: Real estate tax law formally included in the legislative plan of Chinese Xinhua News Agency reporter Han Jie, Ren Feng, Chen Fei from public view for some time, 'desalination' real estate tax has a new trend. The latest adjusted second session of the National People's Congress legislative plan to the public this week, including real estate tax, including 34 appearances in which legislative mandates,

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