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Said tightening party discipline to discipline, should make whisper, pulling the sleeves, red face, the sweat become the norm, and gradually let light disciplinary action, organizational change for most, a few heavy punishment, and serious violation of suspected illegal file for review of the very few. The only way to truly achieve a comprehensive Strictly. To understand the rules of selection and appointment [Soundtrack] Playback 'must focus on managing people and improve the selection and appointment system, strengthen supervision and management of cadres, cadres urged to press the qualities of life, according to the role of work.' [Measures] up eighteen years, selection and employment issues become a 'list of issues' tour in a common problem, the problem sacked officials also are frequent buying or selling, promotion and other ill bureaucratic ills. Public opinion analysis, selection and anti-corruption issues found during the employment reflects the current cadre and personnel system more loopholes, the problem of poor execution, the need for systematic improvement and upgrading. Eighteen years, selection and appointment of great significance in deepening the reform process in full, also repeatedly stressed that Xi Jinping. In this May 5 meeting of the Central deep restructuring of the twelfth meeting, Xi Jinping mentions, 'to efforts to strengthen the courage to play, to tackle tough employment-oriented reform, seeking reform, good cadres who want to reform up, motivate cadres heavy responsibilities. 'in fact, after eighteen, especially since the Third Plenary session of eighteen CPC cadre selection and appointment of establishing a new Regulation, entered the intensive period can be described as the top-level design. June 2 this year, the CPC Central Committee issued the 'institution leaders Interim Provisions' was to publish. Business unit leaders choose what kind of person, how to select, long term, how to assess how new regulatory oversight ...... This is the 'answer' a series of issues of social concern. Selection should include 'both ability and integrity, to Germany first', increase employment system, strengthen supervision and examination mechanism, the new regulations in a number of initiatives directed institutions administrative, bureaucratic shortcomings aims Personnel System Reform further promote the reform of institutions. July 28, the Central issued 'a number of provisions to promote the leadership of cadres (Trial)' announced. Clear cadres 'of' six channels, five types of scenarios included in the accountability

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