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ï»\xBF'Now do not want to quit, resign do not know can do.' Middle of a capital city civil servants Zhang Zheng (a pseudonym) told reporters, he entered the civil service system for six years. After working with their peers around six years to double the income as compared to six years the rate of increase in total wage income of $ 400 is far lower than expected, and Zhang is the unit where the past two years, revenue was almost hidden benefits 'chopped.' And Zhang is the same in a city, Fang Zhiyuan (a pseudonym) was a local level cadres provincial authorities, he told reporters that his unit had to leave the civil service, but not very common, and mostly for family reasons. Really left the system to enter the market almost nothing, at best serve to authorities subordinate enterprises. 'The business office go, lest it should be considered promoted reuse.' In Shanghai, it is another story. March 19, Pudong New Area, the former Party Committee, Deputy Governor Wei Ming leave; July 9, Pudong New District, former deputy head Ding leave; July 27, the Shanghai Municipal People's Government Foreign Affairs Office deputy Renchen Kai's name Office official website disappeared from the outside. These high-level officials to leave, causing great concern to the outside world, and their whereabouts is also cause for concern. And second and third tier cities within the Office of the dry keen to different enterprise systems, these first-tier cities, mostly high-ranking officials of the whereabouts of foreign or private enterprises. The probability of large, these officials to leave the system, go to the general industry counterparts are professional or related companies, enterprises, in addition, a few years ago the real estate industry and Internet industry in recent years, also absorb more. For example, last year, AQSIQ former spokesman Chen Xi with the vice president Ren Qihu 360 companies. Related financial enterprises more common, such as the Hangzhou banking system within the former governor of Yu Sheng law as Alibaba network operators Bank, according to public reports, the Shanghai Foreign Affairs Office of the whereabouts of the former deputy Renchen Kai resigned after it may be a company engaged in the Internet finance private financial institutions. A large commercial bank insiders told reporters in Shanghai that they accepted standard level cadres 600,000 annual salary, clear surface level cadres 200 million, or just a lot, which is several times higher than the income within the system. Level authorities in Shanghai to work Li Qing (a pseudonym) on the side of separation

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